Total Medals Earned: 41 (From
17 different games.)
Total Medal Score: 530 Points
Wear the Vic Rattlehead mask
Reach the graveyard
Just leave
You dream your life away
You are such a sweet sweet thing
Your tears are all the pay I'll ever need
Slay 20 demon bastards
Just smash EVERY single pumpkin
Escape the Tornado of Souls
Get an autograph from Ozzy
Acquire a pair of Power Boots.
Acquire an Accelerator.
Beat the game!
Blast Caleb to death.
Acquire a Blaster.
Acquire a Rocket Launcher.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Acquire all artifacts.
Complete the game and survive.
Survive and save two of your friends.
You are even worse than the undead...
Make sure Bill passes away calmly.
Complete the game without firing a single shot.
Survive without getting any friends.
Make Gretel walk for the first time.
Obtain the slingshot
Get Bee Death
Get Spider Death
Get the clock
Trap the squirrel
Get all 10 stones
Drop all ten stones
Shoot mom in the face
Get Dad Carriage Death
Take 200 shots with the slingshot
Get Axe Death
Kill Hansel
Get Rabbit Death
Get Crow Death
Get Fire Death
Solve clock puzzle
Get all 10 deaths
Rescue Gretel
Be too greedy
Step on the trap
Keep both dinner guests alive
Reveal the bridge
Slay the beast
Solve the weather puzzle
Give Rufus back his hat
Free Emma
Complete the game
Race the wolf... and lose
Get crushed
Teach hansel how to fly
Suffer the stickman's wrath
Give a dog a bone
Get Hansel to eat the scissors
Disrespect your elders
Beat a dead horse
Get cut
Get the pit death
Try and cross the swamp without Hansel
Go for a swim
Pet the teddy
Beat the game after getting all the deaths
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Experience rebirth the first time.
Discover the dog who can speak in the tounge of man.
Kill a living creature with your weapon
Kill an enemy with their own projectile
Awaken her guardians
Defeat Uzaza
Complete the game with the aid of the gun
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Complete Lesson of Peace.
Complete Going for the Top.
Complete Enlightenment.
Complete the Koan.
Complete levels 16-25 with a total of 20 preserved drops.
Complete levels 6-15 with a total of 5 preserved drops.
Complete the game without dying or restarting levels more than 10 times total.
Complete levels 31-35 with a total of 20 preserved drops.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
You ran more than 1000 mts.
You have been eaten for the monster more than 30 times
You ran more than 5000 mts.
You ran more than 10000 mts.
You ran more than 20000 mts.
Have you seen portals?
You saved your sister
You have double jump more than 200 times
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Obtain the Halo.
Obtain the Gun.
Obtain the Sword.
Disobey 10 different commands.
Obey 10 different commands.
Kill 25 Androids.
Kill 25 Executioners.
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Rescue and secure a civilian
Weaken a hood grappling zombie with 1 weapon, then quickly switch to another weapon to finish it off with one shot
While stopped during a task, don't let a single zombie reach your vehicle's hood
Drive 3 km with no wheels
Complete story mode with atleast 1 rescued civilian still in your vehicle
Destroy a fire hydrant and use its water to extinguish your engine fire.
Kill one of each enemy type
Maintain max speed for 0.5 km
Splatter 50 zombies with your vehicle or guns
Remove a mutant side grapple by grinding it off on a rail/wall
Don't hit anything after sliding through an oil slick
Kill 100 zombies with your vehicle
Kill an alpha mutant with a pistol
Unlock the entire survival guide
In rescue mode, don't let a single civilian die for 3 rounds in a row
Survive 2 mutant side grappling both characters
Gain 1 minute bonus time in out of time mode
Save 50 civilians in Rescue Op before failing
Reach max levels on at least one character
Reach 20 km in f.u.b.a.r.
Complete Hardcore Story mode
Complete story mode
Reach 20 km in mutant meltdown
Upgrade every perk, gun, and max level both characters
Reach 20 km in dead state